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1- , old.rezaei.eng@iauctb.ac.ir
Abstract:   (288 Views)
An efficient mapping can reduce the negative effects of tile scattering in the input programs and consider the running order of the tasks and their communication based on the criteria of reducing energy consumption and communication cost. The HHMap algorithm considers both homogeneous and heterogeneous 3D NoC architectures. This algorithm achieves optimized mapping in the limited heuristic states by implementing sorting functions among the graph tasks and clustering these tasks in the order of their input and output communication volume. By considering the priority of task clusters allocated to the tile clusters and the dependency of each task on the other tasks, this proposed algorithm avoids scattering the allocated tiles on the whole network during the mapping process. It significantly reduces energy consumption and communication cost. The proposed HHMap algorithm for mapping frequently used graphs has been evaluated, and its experimental results show good efficiency compared with recent mapping methods.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Network

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