1- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Malek-Ashtar University, Tehran, Iran , Mohtarami@mut.ac.ir
Abstract: (258 Views)
One of the significant problems of handicraft makers is the inability to trade with customers directly. They are forced to sell their crafts to intermediaries, which increases the final price. To avoid such an issue, peer-to-peer marketplaces are built to connect producers and customers directly. The ownership and control of these marketplaces are still in the hands of specific parties. Decentralized markets overcome these drawbacks at a reasonable level. Blockchain has become a great tool to develop decentralized markets due to solving the shortcomings of decentralized systems. We have studied, categorized, and discussed existing decentralized e-commerce platforms. To cover the shortcomings of decentralized e-commerce platforms, we designed a conceptual marketplace for trading handicrafts along with an insurance mechanism for deliveries, seller's reputation, and a guarantee system for producer's verification. Comparing the handicraft marketplace with other similar decentralized markets proves offering better and more service to marketplace actors is achievable.